Thursday, 3 January 2013


Like most new years, the beginning of 2012 was a slight disappointment. Being home by quarter to midnight on the sofa after a slight mishap with a phone in a glass of champagne spiraling out of control meant that it wasn't a night to remember, however, now a year later I can look back and honestly say it was the best year for me to date.

The start of a new year is exciting and it creates motivation to change your life in one way or another, but let's be honest, in reality you just continue the way you were before, i.e. not going to the gym any more than you had done previously (if at all) and you will still be eating chocolate come the end of January. As well as being exciting, I strangely find January a little depressing, especially this one. I had such a brilliant year last year that I'm a little worried this one will disappoint or things will change. Ridiculous I know. Positive thoughts are key, maybe that should be a new years resolution!

This is mostly a personal reflection on my year to remember everything that happened as I keep stumbling on little reminders of things I did which made my year one to remember.

The year started amazingly with my now boyfriend and I becoming 'official'. So exciting to think back on. 

I turned the grand old age of 21 and spent the day in London with my Mum, Dad and brother. I am normally somewhat embarrassed by birthdays and all eyes on me yet I couldn't help but embrace the day and get excited by every little thing that happened.

This was the start of my final exams. Trying to think back is a bit of a blur; sunny days being locked inside trying to memorise the stages of evolution is what springs to mind. Sod's law that it rained on the day of freedom and my final exam! Strangely though, I look back on the final month and I can't help but feel nostalgic. As much  as it mentally drained me (but a good way of saving money for going out! Swings and roundabouts...) it wad the end of my time at university and its hard to look back at that without a huge smile. Yes, it's gushy and cheesy but true. Having the freedom to do what I wanted to do, when I wanted to do it, seeing Jonny in the evenings and pre-drinking with the girls at the weekends. 

Certainly the end of an era. Graduating with a 2:1 BSc in Psychology and celebrating the end of university with all my chums was so much fun. Officially waving goodbye to our little house and beloved SU was tough! 

Definitely the best month of the year. 
Celebrating Jonny's 21st birthday, spending lots of time at his house, riding round the countryside on bikes. FYI, it's harder than you think to ride a bike after 8 years of completely ignoring my bike in the garage - I learnt this the hard way. Oh deary!
Going to Gran Canaria with Jonny was amazing. As two people with slight 'red' tinges to our hair we certainly stood out like sore thumbs but it was the best week and I had such a magical time.

I embarked on a 3 week adventure with 2 of my closest and craziest uni friends travelling around seeing some of Europe's best cities. We began in Amsterdam, continuing through Berlin, Warsaw, Krakow, Prague, Budapest, Vienna, Ljubljana and finally the beautiful Venice. It was planned completely last minute but happened amazingly without a single glitch. Marvelous! 

Clinging on to university life as Jonny started his Masters.

A lovely Christmas spent with close family and finally a funny new year spent with Jonny and other close university friends.

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