Imagine your skull is being crushed in a vice. This is what a typical freshers’ head feels like the morning after the night before.
We all know the drill, thinking that last round of shots at the bar was a top shout only to regret that decision the next morning when your room is spinning, you’ve got a pounding headache and it seems the only cure is a bacon sandwich (well, to find someone willing enough to make you one). That pint of water you miraculously managed to provide for yourself in the early hours has all gone and your mouth now resembles the texture of sand paper as a result. Sadly the distance to the kitchen is now too far to handle, so the chance of being hydrated in the near future is out of the question.
Along with feeling like death warmed up comes the hilarious tales of the previous night’s antics and the photographs you have already been tagged in on Facebook provide a few laughs while at the same time help to piece together the night. Be prepared to be on de-tag duty when you’re not feeling 100%.
Waking up looking like you’ve been dragged through a hedge backwards is probably a common occurrence for many people. School disco nights and UV nights often mean waking up with scribblings and messages you can’t quite decipher, all over you and your clothes or UV paint splattered over your face and arms (it’s more difficult than you think to draw a star on your face with UV paint!). Coming home with a handful of glow sticks or a sombrero in tow are usually signs of a good night whilst bruises and painful feet are not. Despite all of this we still insist on carrying on until the wee hours knowing we may regret it the following morning.
Sound familiar?
Everyone suffers the effects of alcohol differently, and a lucky few wake up feeling as fresh as a daisy, but it is equally important for everyone to keep well-hydrated and well-nourished if you want to prevent a hangover from hell. There are so many ‘remedies’ that claim to relieve the headaches and queasiness but a few of them do actually work and can help you feel human once again.
The most obvious is to drink plenty of water both when you get home from a night out and also in the morning in order to keep you hydrated. Fruit juices will raise your blood-sugar levels, erasing that sluggish feeling.
Walking to the nearest fast food outlet and maybe even home may sound like a horrific idea at the time, especially for girls in ridiculous (yet oh so beautiful) heels, but the fresh air on the way will help to sober you up and the stodgy food will raise your blood sugar levels. You’ll feel better for it in the morning.
Staying in bed all day and living up to the typical student stereotype will rest your head and rid the nasty hangover. Be patient, within 24 hours you’ll feel fighting fit and probably ready to do it all over again.
Alex x
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